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Modern day patriots

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:19 pm
by Pigeon

Completely delusional. Hannity's show starts with some bullshit about "America behind enemy lines!" like he's some fucking guerrilla resistance fighter and not a self-described "multi-media superstar."
Fox is literally one of the biggest "mainstream media" companies on the planet.

The opinion hosts like Sean and Tucker are "east coast elites" by any rational definition.

Yet their viewers think they're consuming truths that "the east coast elites" and "the MSM" won't tell them.

While they buy hats and t-shirts made in China that read "make America great again."

The ignorance works on so many levels.
Back in the dark times when I used to listen to talk radio, I remember noticing that Hannity always had country music in the opening and between commercials. And I thought, wait, he's in New York, why is he pushing country music so much? And the pandering became apparent to me.
wow! I haven't paid attention to that guy..well, ever. but I was aware of what Alex Jones USED to talk like on his radio show, in the early 2000's, i.e. the same exact rhetoric: He would also start each show stating, "from deep behind enemy lines in Austin,Tx, it's an asshole who villianizes children for profit!" Alex Jones..."

Re: Modern day patriots

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:22 pm
by Pigeon
In Texas we have people wanting Texas should secede from the US while they fly their US flag, play God Bless the USA, and talk about how the more liberal hate America.

Re: Modern day patriots

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:28 pm
by Pigeon

They're stupid and they're reactionary, which is why they're so easily distracted by fear mongering and hate porn. They're extremely gullible as well. They'll basically believe anything they come across on the internet.