Thoughts on Deep Reality

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Thoughts on Deep Reality

Post by Royal » Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:08 am

Beyond the sensory and generally accepted science, I believe exists a deeper reality.

Think of the first caveman. No concept of science. Just hunt, hump, sleep, eat, and repeat. Applying this level of ignorance to modern man, we dare guesstimate about our knowledge in the future with supreme creativity. What version of reality will our new ignorance support?

Before entering this worm hole to the abyss, I present the duality of "new realities" given new knowledge. Mankind's movement into knowledge is like a person entering a mansion with hundreds of rooms. Example one, as one room is entered several more doors reveals itself. This concept reflected in the common saying "the more you know, the more you don't know". The knowing (newly discovered) and not knowing (more questions) in direct conflict causing the first duality. This has historical context to it. When a person knows a new reality, how did the events of their past get shaped by forces they know in the new reality. Was events avoidable with new knowledge? What responsibility would a species have on those in their beginning stages of reality?

Second discovery, after entering the rooms of reality experiences, individuals and populations forget how they got to the room (of reality) they currently occupy. What they call their current space, is a framework of reality occupying the mind that makes previous knowledge obsolete or not a concern. This gives birth to the second knowledge duality, where bandwidth of the mind can only take on the tasks of the current space, and past space is forgotten. This could be the space that exists in their mental, social, religious, economical, ethics, beliefs, and morals. These reality frameworks, strengthened or weakened by the current and past rooms they occupied. Could it be that strange phenomenon like UFO's can be the door opening ahead of us (future) or behind us (past) with Bigfoot. If visitors are traveling to the future to present day, are we the story of the Planet of the Apes? If the door is opening ahead of us (future), are they simply retracing their steps. Even more darkly, could be a civilization is recreating their steps (a simulation) to understand their house of reality further.

The simulation provides a lateral route. But a lateral route may exist in multiple ways other than a simulation. There are at least two other versions of lateral dimensional movement to discuss. First is the multiple timeline theory. That a earth species is advanced enough to cross timelines. Second, is the level of dimension governing physics and matter. Where higher dimensional space can effect the lower dimensions but lower dimensions have no domain in the higher dimension. The is physically represented as the cube and (3-D) and the tesseract (hypercube). In a contrary view, the lower dimensions effect the higher dimension or cosmic level. The thoughts of leaders in all arenas today influence the blueprints of tomorrow. From thought to materiality, it can be said "what was nonexistent, becomes existent", or "life imitates art". Reality being a packed house of vessels for inspiration. A fun house of puzzles, keeping the universe, occupied.

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